Some Ramblings, Some Ravings

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Enter the Dragon

This is a big day for me. This is a really BIG day for me. Just a few eventful minutes back, I was officially declared a blogger by some web page which stated that I have successfully registered myself to eternal damnation.

Today, as I am venturing into the big bad virtual world of blogging and I can hear the alarm bells ringing somewhere. I will be tagged a blogger (a part-timer but a blogger nevertheless)
henceforth and my life will never be the same again. I have a feeling the Gods are shifting in their seats uncomfortably right now.

Wait a minute....this is fun! Hardly am I a few words old, I am already beginning to enjoy it. Right, it's decided then. I am destined to be a blogger. I can just feel it. So Beware World, here I come.