Some Ramblings, Some Ravings

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I'm Back

I think you are wondering why I have stopped blogging after I arrived with a bang... I really can't say becoz I am wondering the same too. On that magical day when I wrote my first blog, sitting in my last Distributed Computing lab, I felt motivated... I really felt that spark in me. But then all good things must come to an end... the lab ended and with that all my creative instincts as well. I left the lab already forgetting that I had started a blog and I was expected to keep it alive by writing something for my fans (only one currently as is evident from the comment(s) I received for my first blog). Five months have passed since then... five months of placements, job interviews, research internships, career decisions and the works...

Right, I'm gonna be a regular from now on... for my sake, for the sake of my fans (I know I know... my fan count is less than two right now... but I assure you it will grow), for the sake of my friends and for the sake of all the french mathematicians studying game theory... until someone says "Looney, for GOD's sake stop blogging!!!"


  • welcome back :-)

    why does everything relate to java in your life??

    By Blogger Mohan Kodali, at 8:04 AM  

  • Looney for god's sake NEVER EVER stop bloginng...

    @143ash: systme.out.prinln(sensored);

    By Blogger puneet varma, at 10:27 AM  

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