Some Ramblings, Some Ravings

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Dark Knight - A review

Going to a movie the day before an important mid-term examination is hardly considered a sane thing to do in my college. And that too before a finance exam with the vastest portion and strictest prof. Well.... lets just say I went insane yesterday.... and that is what happens when a movie gets a 9.7/10 rating by 4000+ voters in imDb!

I used to view hollywood's 'super-hero' movies with a little skepticism, the earlier movies of this genre left a bad taste in my mouth. But leaving aside the disappointing Spiderman 3 and the oh-so-bad Superman Returns, such movies are back with a bang (refer: Ironman, Batman Begins). And the Dark Knight only reinforces this belief

The Dark Knight has everything going for it - the thick plot, the dialogues, the performances, the music. But the movie's trump card really is the villain - the scary, psychotic Joker. The late Heath Ledger gives a performance nothing short of GODLY and its a pity that we won't get to see him again. The only jarring part in the movie was the logical inconsistencies that creep up from time to time but its best if you choose to ignore them.

The Dark Knight is so engrossing from the start to the end that you actually get a hangover after the movie; the atmosphere, the music, the visuals, the feel; all haunt you even after you leave the movie theatre. Overall the movie scores big time... Highly Recommended

Rating: 4/5

PS: I actually started studying for the exam at midnight and dozed off after a few hours... suffice to say that today's experience in the examination hall was definitely not a memorable one.